Probit | Webinar

In this webinar you will get to know the products from our Probit series and learn how they help you with DALI testing. The Probit series offers the right tool for DALI troubleshooting – during DALI development, DALI certification and finally during DALI installation on site.

The webinar covers:

  • ProbitLab2 – The DALI Approbation & Certification Tool, required to get the DALI2 certification for DALI devices
  • ProbitGears – The DALI system simulator, indispensable to simulate a full DALI universe when you are developing DALI controls
  • ProbitSite – The DALI test tool for the construction site detects DALI system issues and supports DALI troubleshooting.

All work with:

  • ProbitBench – The DALI Analytics & Programming Software, the comprehensive software bench to deeply look in into all DALI details. Ideal for testing DALI products.

A big thank you to all participants for watching our Probit DALI webinar. We were surprised by such a massive participation. Also many thanks for the positive feedback, the great questions and valuable suggestions that we received. We will continue to expand this format.

Please find below the links to the recordings and the slides:

We built our Probit range of DALI development tools using our experience from more than 20 years developing and testing DALI products. 

Probit | Webinar, DALI development tools

Lichtvision Engineering GmbH

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