Product Conception

Lichtvision provides concept development for lights, lighting control systems and end-user interfaces. For single products or complete product lines. Internationally renowned clients depend on our expertise. Because Lichtvision has the international market, design and end-user experience to allow us to know not only what's possible, but what's in demand: Which functions are indispensable? Which Unique Selling Points? Which are deal makers? Which market requires which features? In this context - with an eye on the costs - Lichtvision carefully weighs outlay against gain.

A complete product concept includes a marketing strategy. Who are potential buyers? Where are they? How can they be reached? What information influences the decision to buy? The answers to these questions indicate the direction the product will take to reach the buyer: Through a wholesale distributor? A hardware store? Or through a specialist? Lichtvision delivers more than just creative ideas. We create a market-driven product concept that not only holds the seeds of success, it also points out the road that leads to product acceptance.