
Upgrade your product to DALI2

Launched a DALI product years ago and wondering what it takes to make it DALI2 compatible? Download our white paper to find out about the differences.
You can also contact us for an expert opinion:

Here are the three main product related differences between DALI and DALI2

  • Tighter timing: DALI hardware may not support the required signal shape of DALI2,
  • Mandatory certification: Carrying the DALI2 logo requires successful testing with our ProbitLab2 and ProbitBench test suites and the certification at the DALI Alliance DiiA,
  • New fade times and commands.

Changes from DALI to DALI-2

  • Extension for control gear (IEC 62386, added part 103). An overview of the contents of IEC 62386 can be found on the
    Digital Illumination Interface Alliance (DiiA) website
  • New commands / features, including the new extended fade time (allows fades from 0.1 seconds up to 16 minutes)
  • Bug fixes (especially in the test procedures)
  • Improved quality and number of tests
  • More precise specification of electrical tolerances, less risk of failure
  • More detailed specification, less risk of misinterpretation
  • Restructuring of the specification, dedicated system description

Lichtvision Engineering GmbH

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